Thursday, February 19, 2009

Be There #1

Tenho umas colinas na serra
Vou começar a habitá-las.
Construir uma cabana e depois um barracão.
talvez um pau de cada vez.
Já tenho uma janela. No proximo sábado levo para lá a janela e uma cadeira.
Com esses objectos ja poderei ver hipoteses de sítios para construir.

The plan is to start living there as we can.
We will build a shack and then a bigger barn-like construction.
One board at a time, I guess.
I found a window the other day.

Next saturday I shall go there with a chair and a window.
This construction will be an extention of the work I have been developing the past two years.

I will get out of carboard boxes into a larger scale of wooden shack where I can get in. Not just in the visualization through captured image, but actually being there, inside full size sketches of a possible proper home.
In the future I see a confortable house, a big workshop and a rebuilt circular stone construction that may have all types of uses, one of wich will certainly be that of a place of meeting and eating together.

Fences will be put up.
Wild berries bushes must be tamed and paths cleared.
The circular ruins have to be studied, drawn, photographed. Sat on. Cleared from wild vegetation . Invite people to participate in all stages of a transformation journey, to create conditions for humans to be there. A place where we can contemplate and help create at the same time.It is as place for craftspeople. By craftspeople.
Fairies are welcome ( fairies I call those who build wellbeing; musicians, healers, performers, poets, visual artists, ... ) . I'm a bit of a fairy sometimes with the filming and photographing.
My son is a musician and a gardener. He's also an untrained healer or so I see him.
This expedition is already on the move.
Any time will be good to join in.
The general plan is as mentioned before.
Go there, build house, plant food, build more house, be there more.
More detailed plans will be made as we go along depending in what comes our way.

please feel free to ask question or leave comments.


  1. yes.
    depending on how to live Bisjerko i'd like to join just for contemplate or the like as i am a lot tired, but still appreciate life and observing with great pleasure interior human growth.

    Helping people on that hard journey .

    Healing too.

    a place of peace

  2. ola!
    vim parar ao vosso blog e apercebi-me que estao um pouco ao mesmo nivel que nós!:)
    Nós somos um casal com um filhote que comprou há 2 anos uma quinta na serra da estrela e fomos para lá agora reconstrui-la, tambem ainda nao habitamos permanentemente lá,trabalhamos demomento na covilha. Tambem estamos na fase de começar a reconstruir um abrigo, plantar, etc:) tudo ecologico e sutentavel claro! Nós estamos em loriga, perto da torre. Se precisarem de ajuda digam, ou se quiserem nos visitar e ajudar tambem!visitem o nosso blog se quizerem conheçer melhor o projecto!;)
    muita paz!
    duarte e sofia(

  3. ora bolas, esta coisa não me devia avisar quando ha comments?
    enfim, ja nos conhecemos e temos é que continuar a colaborar.

  4. não avisa não . eu deixei +s alguns noutros sitios.
